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The Money Is In The List…. Really?

The money is in the list” is not my favorite saying. I don’t know how people (including internet marketing gurus) emphasize so much on the importance of building email lists, and they say so because “the money is in the list”.

Money is in the relationship”. Yes the money is in the relationship that you build with your subscribers.

Imagine you have a huge list of subscribers but you haven’t sent them any email for months. You are not building any relationship with them. You are not communicating with them. When you will send out an email to such a list of subscribers, with which you haven’t talked for months, you will see low open rate and a very high un-subscription rate. You will not make any money.

The point is, you had the list but you didn’t make any money from it and this is just because you didn’t create a relationship with them.

I was once reading a thread on Warrior Forum. OP sent an email to 120 subscribers and earned whopping $349 from a single email. Yes, he earned $349 from a tiny list of 120 subscribers. This is no joke. If you are building relationship with your list, they know you and they trust you, they are sure to open your email and will do whatever you want them to.

If you are building a relationship with your subscribers, the size does not matter, you can earn from even the tiniest email list.

the money is in the list


How to Build Relationship with Your Email List

Building relationship with your email list is very easy. Here are a few easy ways to build a strong relationship with your list.

  • Send only relevant emails. If you asked them to “subscribe to get new posts”, only send them new posts and nothing else – but only when they trust you.
  • Send your list at least two emails a week.
  • Avoid sending too many emails.
  • Provide them with valuable content, resources, tips, videos, courses, freebies or anything that carries value.
  • Always share personal stories. Tell them what you are doing, what are your plans, how you spend you weekdays and weekends etc.
  • If you haven’t used a product yourself, don’t recommend it to your list. Only recommend products that you have personally used, tested or reviewed.
  • Selling is a bad habit instead provide them with discounts, coupons and bonuses.
  • Don’t send your list promotional emails to compel them to purchase a product instead tell them that you have purchased and used the product yourself, and you just love it. Share results with them.
  • If you have to sell something, make sure that you don’t do it too often.

Remember, it is all about trust. You have to develop a relationship with your list which is impossible to create without trust, and to develop trust, you have to do one and only one thing – be honest and tell the truth.

Money is not in the list but money is in the relationship (that you build with your list).

About Eddy

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